Sportsman's Council
Your Sportsman's Council Members:
- Deer Hunting: Vacant
- Waterfowl Hunting: William "Ski" Chlebowski (804)337-6408 or
- Small Game/Predator Hunting: Robin Amick (757)869-8178 or
- Spring Gobbler Hunting: Tom Campbell (907)406-6400 or
- Salt and Freshwater Fishing: Vacant
- Boating: Tom Campbell (907)406-6400 or
- General Public (Civilians): Vacant
Sportsman's Council Members are a wealth of knowledge and experience and are more than happy to share their experiences with other outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you are a new to the outdoors, new to JBLE-Fort Eustis, or have been here for years, feel free to reach out to your council members with questions, suggestions, comments, and any ideas of how to improve the hunting, fishing, and boating programs at JBLE-Fort Eustis. Council Members act as mentors to those new to the program and act as a liaison between outdoor enthusiasts and the Wildlife Biologist.
Sportsman's Council Members are volunteers! Please keep that in mind when you contact them. Please refrain from calling or texting at early or late hours and understand that they will respond to you at their earliest opportunity. If you have trouble contacting the appropriate Council Member, please let the Wildlife Biologist know at (757)952-5204.